Quick Start B2B Product Creator

Thousands of industrial products waiting to be sold to hundreds of companies and businesses that need them to run their operations, every day or every week of every year.

Package duration - 3 months. Total value of this package $19,775.

B2B Quickstart Product Creator Package Purchase price $11,900. Included product ready to sell valued at $4199 - $6400

investment from $5500

Your investment in this business is actually between $5500 - $7701 - once added components caluclated in to sale


Shopping cart website

We will setup a shopping cart website and create the payment gateway into your business account, either Open Source free software with an associated app or a Shopify subscription store. 35 high profit B2B product loaded into site. An extra 200 products of your choice can be uploaded to site. Client to supply products, images, descriptions in CSV format.

We will explain the pros and cons of both Shopify and Open Source. Your choice. Valued at $4900.

Website management- (open source)

If you choose open source we will host your site for 12 months, register your new domain and setup the back end. We manage your site for the duration of the package - 3 months. Valued at $1200.


Website security setup - (open source)

If you choose an Open Source website we will install, configure and teach you the backend anti-hacker software. Absolutley critcial in the current environment online. Valued at $445.

Niche product brainstorming

For a succesful business to make an impact in the market and survive beyond 24 months, you need a niche product range and a strong

Business setup advice

As part of the training we advise on your business setup. Valued at $395.

Mentor 4 x 20 minute Zoom (3 months)

The package includes 4 x 20 minute Zoom calls with your mentor. Valued at $460.

Logo created

We create a logo for you with 3 changes. Valued at $475.

Your investment

$5500 - $7701

Email setup & support

We setup your email, test it thoroughly and then give you 3 months support. Valued at $1150.

Supplier 8000 brainstorming

We give you access to a supplier database with over 8000 global and Australian suppliers and work through it with you to develop your brand and niche. Valued at $450.

Products 2.5 million

We give you access to over 2.5 million products. We work through options and opportunities using research, anayltics, trends and profit opportunities. Valued at $550.

24/7 Online training access

You get access to online training and have email support for the duration of your package. Valued at $850.

Ongoing mentoring via email

Mentoring support via email for the duration of the course package. Valued at $2500.

12 week training Outline

About Us

sellrite white borderSellrite is owned and operated by Spillrite Pty Ltd, an Australian company. (ABN: 81143605887) Sellrite provides digital services to the Spillrite global network.

Contact Us

Company Name: Sellrite (Spillrite Pty Ltd)
Address: 70 Cordyline Drive, Reedy Creek QLD 4227
Phone: 1 300 822 832
Email: info@sellrite.au
Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM