Basic 12 weeks

Each package will have a basic 3 month training course along the following lines. Lessons each week on business and website.

week 1 - B2B sales overview

How B2B sales work. What customers expect. What you need to focus on.

Website choice

Subscription vs open source. Pros and cons of both. Scaling, security & control.

week 2 - Brand & Products

Your new brand. Logo & email. Product overview. Upselling & value-adding.

Website lessons

Hero images. Image basics. Product descriptions. SEO basics.

week 3 - Bank account - payments

Setting up your business entity, bank account and payment facility.

Website lessons

How to make it easy for customers to buy. Payment gateway.

week 4 - Quotes, purchase orders

Setting up the systems to receive purchase orders and deliver invoices.

Website lessons

Backend access of website and understanding the administration control.

week 5 - U.S.P. - Competitors

Learn how to create a strong U.S.P. and a brilliant offer.

Website lessons

Learn how to position your product offering and compete effectively. Introduction SP Pagebuilder.

week 6 - Content creation

How to create strong and unique content. Written content overview.

Website lessons

Understanding images, optimization, uploading and storing images for your website.

Week 7 - Sales & Marketing

How to create sales material and which programs to use.

Website lessons

How to upload sales material to your website. Adobe PDF's explained.

week 8 - Advertising basics

Understanding the options of SEM, Search Engine Marketing.

Website lessons

How to modify content on your website and shopping cart.

week 9 - systems

Learn which programs and systems to use to make running your business easier.

Website lessons

Understanding website structure for SEO. Forms and contacts on website.

week 10 - extra products

Wholesalers and product sourcing. 8000 wholesalers and 2.5 million products to access.

Website lessons

Learn how backup your website and restore an earlier version if needed.

week 11 - fine tune

How to make sure your content is up to date and compares to your competitors.

Website lessons

Understanding the installed security software. What are your threats and how to protect against them.

week 12 - Handover

Management of website will be handed over to the client.

Website lessons

Running through all of the operations needed to run the website correctly.

About Us

sellrite white borderSellrite is owned and operated by Spillrite Pty Ltd, an Australian company. (ABN: 81143605887) Sellrite provides digital services to the Spillrite global network.

Contact Us

Company Name: Sellrite (Spillrite Pty Ltd)
Address: 70 Cordyline Drive, Reedy Creek QLD 4227
Phone: 1 300 822 832
Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM