Products B2B & B2C

All products are not created equal. What that means is that some products will create large profits and most will earn small profits. Some products sell for a high value and you don't need to sell many to make a high income. Other products have a low sale value and you will need to sell hundreds consistently to make a good income.

Your decision on what types of products to target will determine how easy or hard you have to work.

Products and the economy

One consideration that should be high on your agenda is picking a product group that will be both evergreen and needed. This is the exact opposite to products that are in a temporary trend and are a luxury not a necessity.

The training provided by Sellrite will explain this in detail and help to apply the principles to your new business, having the best of both worlds so when sales either slow or collapse in one sector, you have another with solid sales.

B2B products

Business to business products (B2B), provide a unique opportunity in that most are used to provide a solution for other businesses. These are products that help other businesses run their operations and in many cases provide a high return when picking the right range to offer.

Manufacturer vs Wholesaler

As a manufacturer like Spillrite, having a niche product range like industrial vacuums can be highly profitable even manufacturing in Australia. For a wholesaleer that is selling other companies products a narrow product range will not be sufficient. Multiple products in excess of 750-1000 is advised to be profitable.


B2B & B2C products

Spillrite B2B products are sold wholesale to resellers at 15-20% discount which is above most of the discounts available from wholesalers. The profit per product will be approximately $500-$750 per sale.

The Value-Add package allows resellers to provide many of the associated parts of the products that compliment many of the products. This increases the actual product dramatically to the equivalent discount of between 30-40%. Allowing resellers to generate between $1000-$1500+ profit per sale.

Combining B2B products and a range of B2C products will give the new business a much better chance of high profit and long term survivability.

About Us

sellrite white borderSellrite is owned and operated by Spillrite Pty Ltd, an Australian company. (ABN: 81143605887) Sellrite provides digital services to the Spillrite global network.

Contact Us

Company Name: Sellrite (Spillrite Pty Ltd)
Address: 70 Cordyline Drive, Reedy Creek QLD 4227
Phone: 1 300 822 832
Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM